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Happy Wednesday!

This week's issue is going to list a few of my favorite accounts on instagram, and the best people to grab inspiration from. Keep reading, and don't forget to follow me on all my social medias.

This week there will not be a new music playlist, but here are a few of my current favs...

* bloom later, jesse rutherford

* chateau, angus & julia stone

* girls on film, duran duran

Now onto a few of my favorite people on insta...

1. Marla Catherine

Marla is a Youtuber, and along with putting up great videos, she also posts great photos as well. Marla has an amazing sense of style, and you can see her outfits and more at @marlacatherine on instagram, and on Youtube as Marla Catherine.

2. Canyon

I have been following Canyon for a while now, and each time he posts I get inspiration for any future photo shoots that I take place in. Canyon is known as @heycnyn on instagram where he posts all his photography, and he also has a Youtube channel, Canyon.

3. Maddie Ziegler

As many of you know, Maddie Ziegler is a well known dancer, but she also has a Youtube channel, and an instagram. Maddie's instagram is @maddieziegler where she posts pictures of her life, and features pieces of her clothing line.

4. Wallows

Wallows is one of my favorite bands, and on their instagram, @wallowsmusic, they post updates on any upcoming tours, and behind the scenes of any music they have in the making.

5. Madison Hu

You might recognize her as Frankie on Bizaarkdvark, but Madison Hu has an amazing style, and I get inspiration from her insta, @madisonhu, all the time.

6. Avrey Ovard

If you just so happen to be scrolling on Marla Catherine's instagram, you might come across Avrey Ovard. They are very close friends, and they both have equally cute clothes in their closets. On her insta, @avreyovard, she posts pictures of her ootds, and recently has been including monthly playlists. Currently I'm obsessed with her playlist 'NOVEMBRE '17'.

7. Lilia Buckingham

Last but not least, Lilia Buckingham is one of the most inspiring girls I know on instagram, and Lilia posts empowering posts very often on her instagram, @lilia. With Maddie Ziegler as her best friend, the iconic duo uses their great number of followers to spread positive messages.

I hope you enjoyed today's list, and don't forget to subscribe with your email to never miss a beat on Mia Lorelei Mag! Stay tuned for more on, and if you have any ideas for the future of this website, feel free to email me at

- Mia Lorelei :)

find me on social media!

YouTube ~ MiaLorelei

Pinterest ~ @mialorelei

Instagram ~ @mialorelei


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